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Session Committees

Worship Committee
Vicki Rubenacker
Christian Education

Richard Howard

Growth and Outreach

Cheryl Perry

The Worship Committee has the privilege of being responsible for everything that encompasses the worship services in our church.

Our service to the church also includes items needed for services such as Palm Sunday, Easter, Thanksgiving and Advent.

The Christian Education is responsible for all church school programs from pre-school through adult and all youth fellowship programs.  We also are responsible for Vacation Bible School, Care packages for college students, the Christmas play, the Sunday School Christmas party, Youth outings, Bible Studies & Rally Day. 

Growth & Outreach is a dedicated team that has worked diligently to enhance & grow our church.  Our duties & activities this  year have included operating & managing the Greeters program, developing a membership contact list, & working wo develop this website. We have started a "Bridge Builders" program as a visitors vollow-up program. We have also developed a Transformers committee....

Service & Fellowship

Jeannie Bartholomew

Service & Fellowship organizes church events & activities.


Pastoral Care

Jeannie Bartholomew

Pastoral Care  provides the prayer shawl ministry. oversees the nursery & the nursery workers.  Pastoral Care visits the "shut ins"

Building and Grounds

David Potashnick

Building & grounds

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